Saturday, September 17, 2011


“ Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow”.

Swedish proverb

Relationship is about connection. There can be no relationship without connection, the connection might be biological, social, religious, economical and even political. There are people in my life that the cause of our relationship is because we work together, some because we are of the same faith, and many because we are family. I think my most enduring relationships has been those based on family ties. Relationship is important. People we are close with and relate with influence us since we share their thoughts, feelings and engage in activities together. A man once told his son that the son's future will be determined to a large extent by the types of books he read and the types of friends and people he associate with, such is the power of relationship. Relationships can add value to us or decrease us, as Mike Murdock said “ Each relationship nurtures a strength or weakness within you”.

Having to reflect on relationships I have in my life, I discovered that the most important, the most beneficial and the most cherished relationship I have is with my husband. We met at the University, actually my first day at the University. We started as study mates and he was instrumental to my success at the University, he is a great encourager and motivator. I have discovered that once I am upset or I am at the point of giving up on any project, all I need to get back on track is just to have a discussion with him, he has a way of making me have another perspective and reasons to continue. When I was offered my present job -preschool teacher in place of elementary classroom teacher that I applied for- he talked me into accepting it and here I am today finding joy, fulfilment, peace, and satisfaction in ways I have never found before simply by nurturing toddlers.

The quality of relationship between my younger sister and I is also strong. I think this is because we were so close when we were younger as a result of being close in age and also because we were most of the time alone at home since our parents are both working. In spite of the long distance between us now, she is in Nigeria while I am in Turkey, we still keep in touch and talks for hours whenever we are able through Skype.

I enjoyed a good relationship with my colleagues, we work as a team and relate as members of the same family. One thing that I so much appreciate about my colleagues is that we are always looking for what we can share that will be of good benefits to all of us. We see the success of any of us as our success and equally share our individual moment of pains and downs. I can boldly say the love, trust and encouragement I received from my colleagues when I started as a preschool teacher helped me a lot. A Turkish proverb describes this better, “ No road is long with good company.”

Relationships are like plants. Just as plants need sunshine, rain, good soil, and nurturing to grow so does relationships need elements such as communication, respect, responsibility, forgiveness, time, sacrifice, and giving to grow and flourish.

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom”.
Marcel Proust